
The story was mentioned by Liebowitz in Knowledge management learning from knowledge engineering book. (p.1)

" A little knowledge goes a long way! the following anecdote typifies the value of knowledge:

A man goes into a New York city bank and asks for a $2000 loan to take a two-week trip to
Europe. The loan officer asks the man what collateral he has. The man points to his Rolls Royce
parked in front of the bank and gives his car keys to the loan officer. The man gets the loan and comes back two weeks later returning from europe to pay back the loan. He asks the loan officer how much he owes. The loan officer replies it will be $2000 for the principal plus $15.46 for interest. " And by the way" the load officer continues, " I checked your background and noticed
you are a multi-millionaire. Why did you need a loan for such a small amount of money? " The
man replies, Where else can I park in New York City for two weeks for only $ 15.46?!"

haha.. it is interesting, isn't ?


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